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» Законодательство » Польша

Polish model of solving alcohol-related problems.
05.05.2010, 23:06
Polish model of solving alcohol-related problems

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Polish model of solving alcohol-related problems is based on the state administration as well as the local self-government administration and non-governmental organizations

The Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism of – legal base regulating the state alcohol policy

The National Program of Prevention and Resolving Alcohol-Related Problems for years 2000 –2005 is designed for the state administration (ministries and central agencies). In 2002 the subsidies for the program reached 8,8 mln zl. The State Agency For The Prevention Of Alcohol-Related Problems prepares the project, coordinates and supports the National Program.

Voivodship Programs of Prevention and Resolving Alcohol-Related Problems are realised in 16 regions and are funded by the fees from Voivodes permits to wholesale beer and vine sell. The Marshal of the Voivodship appoints his Plenipotentiary who is in charge of execution of this program. In 2002 the subsidies for this program reached 7,7 mln zl.

Local Community Programs of Prevention and Resolving Alcohol-Related Problems are realised in all Polish local communities and are funded by the fees from permits to beer, wine and vodka retail sell. In 2002 the income was about 442 mln zl. The Community President/Mayor calls up the Local Commission for Resolving Alcohol Related Problems which represents local administration’s alcohol policy, he/she may also appoint a Plenipotentiary for prevention and resolving alcohol problems.
Категория: Польша | Добавил: Олег
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